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January 06, 2009 02:19 AM UTC

Investigation Into GOP "Vote Buying" Proceeds

  • by: Colorado Pols

As a reminder, the Rocky Mountain News reported last week:

A panel of three Democratic legislators and two Republicans will decide whether further investigation is warranted into vote-buying allegations against GOP Rep. David Balmer.

House Speaker Andrew Romanoff, D-Denver, appointed the panel this week to look into a complaint filed against Balmer on Dec. 16 by House Minority Leader Mike May, R-Parker.

Balmer, R-Centennial, has until Jan. 8 to submit a written answer. May’s complaint alleges Balmer may have coordinated with a lobbyist to offer campaign donations and a future committee chairmanship to another legislator in exchange for supporting Balmer in his race for minority leader.

A separate complaint has been filed against the lobbyist, who has given a sworn statement that he did not talk or coordinate with Balmer.

You’ll recall this spat from a couple of weeks ago–Balmer stands accused of his improprieties, but somebody else took the opportunity afforded by Minority Leader Mike May’s abortive resignation to anonymously remind the press about Balmer’s well-known crackup and disgraceful exit from North Carolina politics after allegations of resume embellishment in 1994.

We don’t pretend to know how the ethics complaint will play out (they usually don’t), but this story is more interesting for the simple mystery: who got offered the plums? Who dished the goods on Balmer? Rep. May filed the ethics complaint against Balmer–does May by any chance know who got fed up about Balmer’s checkered past at just the right moment?

And above all, is there any angle on this story that makes Republicans look good? And what about the lobbyists involved? Because there seems at a glance to be more than enough ignominy to go around, “perps” and “victims” alike.


4 thoughts on “Investigation Into GOP “Vote Buying” Proceeds

  1. This isn’t the first time Balmer has strong armed a fellow elected official with his pit bulls from the lobbying industry. Have the Dead Guvs forgotten this incident?

    Stafford’s “Threatmaker” — Rep. David Balmer

    Stafford said that a number of people lobbied her to vote against House Bill 1338, including Rep. David Balmer, R-Centennial, the assistant minority leader.

    She said Balmer told her that she would receive heat from the Colorado Association of Homebuilders if she ran for another office. And she said Balmer mentioned that the group has been generous to Republican candidates in the past.

    Nothing new here from Balmer. He’s the House Republicans bagman and he makes sure they don’t forget it.

    1. I understand your post above, but the blame must lie at the feet of Colorado Concern on this matter.

      Concern was taken to the ethics panel itself, their chairman even had to come in front of some panel I recall.

      Now back to the post about “Vote Buying” Proceeds” … I thought that was the pay to play Blago inspired drama playing out in Chicago and D.C.

      Sen. Burris was not seated today in the U.S. Senate. Clarence Thomas’ story is a weakling compared to this injustice. Although Blago is a corrupt pig who should be strung up, treating Burris with such disrespect is shameful.

      1. I must have hit a nerve one this one since you response is to drudge up the Blagogate and feel sympathetic for Burris who believes God has appointed him to the U.S. Senate.

        Sorry pal this is a different situation, actually relating to Colorado Politics, and one of the defacto heads of the Colorado Republican Party who’s in bed with numerous lobbyist and has been caught repeatedly involved with threats toward fellow elected officials.

        I’m not surprised you’re deflecting, much like Gardner ignores the economic crisis and goes on a partisan witch hunt, you Cons will never learn.

        Balmer should tossed from leadership by his own members, if not expelled from the House for his abuse of power. Mike May did the right thing here, if only more R’s had a backbone like May.  

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